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زى ما شفت خلال الأيام اللى فاتت كان فى تساؤلات كتير خاصة بتقرير المعاملات المؤجلة الجديد

خليني أوضح شوية نقط ممكن تسهل على الكل فهم الموضوع 😁

-هل حصل تغير في سياسة المدفوعات بناءً على تاريخ التسليم ؟

لأ، اللى حصل هو تغبر في طريقة العرض بتاعت اللوحة الرئيسية للمدفوعات عن طريق إضافة حالة جديدة "المعاملات المؤجلة"

-هو يعنى إيه أصلا معاملة مؤجلة ؟

معاملة حيتم دفعها ليك في تاريخ مستقبلي

-طيب إيه اللي حصل دلوقتي ؟

بحد أقصى يوم 1 نوفمبر كل البائعين الخاضعين لسياسة تاريخ التسليم هيقدروا يشوفوا حالة في اللوحة الرئيسية للمدفوعات اسمها “المعاملات المؤجلة” عبارة عن المبالغ المعلقة بسبب سياسات التوصيل. يعني اللى اتغيرت هي طريقة العرض اللى دلوقتى هتسمحلكم تشوفوا النوع ده من المعاملات المؤجلة بشكل أوضح

-إزاي أعرف إيه الطلبات اللى فلوسها حالياً ضمن المعاملات المؤجلة ؟

تقدر تضغط على المبلغ الظاهر فى المعاملات المؤجلة، هتتفتح صفحة فيها قائمة الطلبات والتفاصيل الخاصة بكل طلب

-هل ممكن أطلب تقرير خاص بالمعاملات المؤجلة ؟

أيوة، من خلال مستودع تقارير المدفوعات، تقدر تختار من "نوع التقرير": معاملة مؤجلة

-أعمل إيه لو عندي تعليق علي التغيير ده ؟

تقدر تبعت رأيك واقتراحاتك على

يوم سعيد عليكم! ✨


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The new Restock recommendation feature in Seller Central uses a demand forecasting model to help you maintain healthy inventory levels for your Fulfilled by Merchant listings. It calculates suggested restock quantities and restock-by dates for your products that meet specific criteria, including active sales in the last three months, projected demand, and current days of supply less than 14 days.

Restock recommendations provide you with:

  • Suggested restock quantities based on current inventory and projected two-week demand across all locations.
  • Estimated days of supply based on the projected demand for your products.
  • Forecasted eight-week demand trends using artificial intelligence models.

To access these insights, go to your Manage Inventory page and click Restock notification in the Inventory column.

To learn more, go to Restock recommendation.

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We're updating our product title policy to standardize listings and enhance the shopping experience across our stores.

Over time, we’ve observed that product titles have become longer, and they sometimes include redundant wording or characters that can decrease customer confidence. These new policy changes will help ensure that product titles are clear, concise, and consistent.

The following new requirements will take effect on January 21, 2025:

  • For most product categories, titles may not exceed 200 characters, including spaces.
  • The special characters !, $, ?, _, {, }, ^, ¬, and ¦ are not allowed, unless they are part of the brand name.
  • Titles may not contain the same word more than twice. Prepositions, articles, and conjunctions are exceptions.

If you have titles that do not comply with the requirements listed above, we recommend that you update them.

Starting January 21, all title changes will be subject to the updated policy, and you'll be able to view and fix any non-compliant titles in Manage All Inventory.

Additionally, we'll provide override suggestions for non-compliant titles to brand owners in Review Listing Updates. Brand owners will have 14 days to act upon on the suggestions before we update the titles to comply with our requirements. These suggestions will be rolled out gradually.

Your listings will remain active during this process, and you’ll still be able to make edits to your product titles as long as your changes comply with the new policy.

For more information, including character limits by product category and store, go to Product title requirements.

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We've improved our notifications for image issues, so you now get more details on issues and can fix them faster.

Key changes include the following:

  • You'll receive notifications for previously unannounced image issues.
  • For each issue, we'll provide guidance that explains how to fix it.

We're implementing this change in phases, with more issues to be announced later this year. Our image guidelines remain unchanged.

To view these updates in Seller Central, go to Menu > Catalog > Upload Images > Submission Status > click the Content compliance issues.

For more information, go to Product image requirements.

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We've simplified the creation and management of discounts, by integrating Prime-exclusive discounts into the Price Discounts tool.

As part of this integration, the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will be removed from Seller Central on January 7, 2025.

The updated Price Discounts tool now supports both Prime-exclusive and all-customer discounts. You can easily search your catalog to add products to your promotion, manage discounts globally, and view performance metrics, all from the Price Discounts tool. There is no change to how Prime-exclusive discounts display to customers.

Any discount that you've already created in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will run until its scheduled end time. Newly created discounts made in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool cannot run beyond December 31, 2024. On January 1, 2025, you'll no longer be able to create new discounts in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool.

To create a price discount, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Advertising, and select Price Discounts.
  2. Click Create a Price Discount.
  3. Complete the form. To create a discount that is exclusive to Prime customers, select Prime customers as the Audience type.

Note that primary users of your account have access to Price Discounts by default. To grant access to secondary users, the primary user must go to Global User Permissions, select Manage rights for the secondary user, and enable View only or View & edit permissions.

For more information, go to the Price discounts help page.

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If you plan to take time off over the holidays, we recommend that you update your vacation status to avoid missing orders that could affect your performance. This setting temporarily removes your seller-fulfilled listings from product detail pages and search results.

To set up vacation status, go to: Store status and vacation settings.

To get support during the holidays, contact Account Health Support a dedicated support channel for you to ask questions about your account health.

Account Health Support will have special hours of operations during the holiday season:

  • December 25, 2024–Support will be closed and will resume on December 26, 2024.
  • January 1, 2025–Support will be closed and will resume on January 2, 2025.

For more information, go to: Account Health Support FAQ.

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You've told us that you want more options for offering discounts to customers. Now, you can set percent-off price discounts with a minimum discounted price.

Here's how the new feature works:

  • When you create a price discount, you can enter a percent-off discount that will automatically apply to your item's regular offer price or sales price. For example, if you enter a 20% discount on a $100 item, the discounted price will be $80.
  • To ensure that your percent off amount doesn’t result in prices that are unintentionally too low, you can also set a minimum discounted price. If you reduce your regular offer price low enough such that the percent-off amount results in a discounted price below the minimum discounted price, the price discount will automatically deactivate. You can find promotions that require attention on your Price Discount dashboard.

    For example, if you create a 20% discount on a $100 item and set a minimum discounted price of $75, the discounted price will be $80. If your regular offer price drops from $100 to $90, the 20% discount will apply to the $90 price, resulting in a discounted price of $72. In this scenario, your price discount will automatically deactivate because the discounted price of $72 is less than your minimum discounted price of $75. This setup helps you maintain your desired pricing structure.

You can still create price discounts with fixed discounted prices.

Primary users of your Seller Central account have access to the Price Discounts tool by default. To grant access to secondary users, the primary user must go to Global User Permissions, select the secondary user, and enable View only or View & edit permissions.

For more information about percent-off discounts, go to Create a price discount or visit the Price Discount dashboard.

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New feature to edit coupon discounts
by News_Amazon

You’re now able to increase discount amounts for active coupons without the need to recreate the coupon.

This feature makes it easier for you to manage your promotions and helps you to adjust to changes in inventory levels.

Note: To maintain customer trust, you can only edit coupons to increase the discount.

To edit an active coupon discount:

  1. Go to Advertising > Coupons
  2. Select the coupon that you want to edit
  3. Click Edit
  4. Enter the new, higher discount amount
  5. Click Submit to save your changes

For more information to create and manage coupons, go to: Create a coupon.

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During Black Friday and Cyber Monday, participate in one of the biggest brand-building advertising opportunities and help shoppers around the world discover your products and deals.

Here is your advertising checklist to use during this holiday event:

1. Optimize for engagement.

Select high-quality, larger-size product snapshots that make it immediately clear for customers what’s being promoted.

Use single-product creative that features simple and neat composition.

Use simple, easy-to-read copy to help clarify promoted products.

Include sharp, vivid visual elements to help your creative pop. For example, color product images, logos designed on colored frames, and high background-to-foreground contrast can make creative more noticeable..

Improve brand recognizability by displaying a distinct logo that is familiar to customers.

Promote your top deals and products through responsive e-commerce creative, which allows you to promote your products using optimized ads.

2. Ensure your store is ready.

Make sure your store’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotional messaging adheres to ad policy: In your brand’s store, promotional messaging is only permitted when used with the Featured Deals store widget.

Use the approved stores layout for the holiday event: Featured Deals widget on top, text banner in the middle, product grid at the bottom.

Schedule a separate store version for Black Friday and Cyber Monday if needed..

For more information on how to prepare for this holiday event, go to the Ads Black Friday and Cyber Monday guide or the Ads Holiday Guide.

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